Amazon Customer Review

Hi All, today I am going to write the test cases for the Amazon customer Review page.

The Amazon customer Review page is one of the most important and interesting feature to write test cases. Let me explain it a little bit more to have a clear picture. The review page plays a vital role in influencing the customer’s decision to buy a particular product. It is one of the deciding factors for the customer to pick a product.

It also helps Amazon to show the products in an arranged fashion, if the customer wants to filter out the products according to the Reviews. So in order words as a customer, we get a sorted list of products for a particular category, making our search easier.

To have a better understanding of writing the test cases, let us have a look at the snapshot of the Amazon Review Page.



  • The customer should already login to the Amazon account with valid id and password..

Test ScenarioTest StepsExpected Results
1Adding a review1. Go to the product detail page or open order to give a review to the purchased item.
2. Click Write a customer/product review.
3. Select the number of stars.
4. Enter heading.
5. Enter the message.
6. Click submit
1. The selection of stars should be mandatory.
2. Heading and message should also be mandatory.
3. After clicking, the system should review the message and publish it on site after some time.
4. Attaching video/photo should be optional.
5. Once the review is accepted by Amazon, it should be available for the product and in the user profile page.
2Editing a review 1. Go to the product detail page.
2. Look for your existing review.
3. Click Edit review.
4. Edit stars, heading, and message.
1. Editing of the review should be allowed.
2. Users should be able to edit the stars, heading, and message.
3Attaching image/Video with review1. Go to the product detail page or open order to give a review to the purchased item.
2. Click Write a customer/product review.
3. Select the number of stars.
4. Attach a relevant image.
5. Enter heading.
6. Enter the message.
7. Click submit
1. After the review content gets reviewed by Amazon, the review should be made available for the product and in the user profile.
4Attaching un-relevant photo/video1. Go to the product detail page or open order to give a review to the purchased item.
2. Click Write a customer/product review.
3. Select the number of stars.
4. Attach an un-relevant image.
5. Enter heading.
6. Enter the message.
7. Click submit
1. After the review content gets reviewed by Amazon, the attachment should get rejected.
5Deleting review1. Go to the product detail page.
2. Look for your existing review.
3. Click Delete review
1. The review should immediately get removed from the product page and profile page.
6Hide review1. Go to the product detail page.
2. Look for your existing review.
3. Click Hide review
1. The review should immediately get removed from the profile page.
7Helpful button of reviews1. Go to the product details page.
2. Look for reviews given by other users.
3. Click Helpful button.
1. The helpful count should increase by one.
8Limit of words in review1. Go to the product detail page or open order to give a review to the purchased item.
2. Click Write a customer/product review.
3. Select the number of stars.
4. Attach a relevant image.
5. Enter heading with more than limit of words allowed.
6. Enter message with more than limit of words allowed.
1. The message and heading field should not allow user to write more than the max limit of words in the field.
9Limit of size of image and video1. Go to the product detail page or open order to give a review to the purchased item.
2. Click Write a customer/product review.
3. Select the number of stars.
4. Attach a relevant image with size more than allowed.
1. Attachment should fail.
10Review of comments in reviews by customer1. Check the logic of the review given by the customer.
2. Create customer/product review which is violating rules of review.
3. Verify the review posted on Amazon or not.
1. All reviews violating the rules of Amazon should not be published on the site.
11Display of reviews1. Go to the product details page.
2. Check the reviews displayed on the page.
1. By default, only a few top reviews should be displayed on the page.
2. To see more pages, users can click pagination numbers.
3. The stars should be displayed properly.
4. The heading should be displayed in bold.
5. The message should be clearly shown.
6. The attached image/videos’ thumbnail should be shown.
7. Then buttons like Helpful, ReportAbuse, etc should be shown below for all reviews.
12Sorting of reviews1. Go to the product details page.
2. Check the reviews displayed on the page.
3. Sort the review based on stars etc
1. The review should get sorted by the selected sorting option.
13Filtering of reviews1. Go to the product details page.
2. Check the reviews displayed on the page.
3.Filter the review based on stars, product color, etc
1. Only reviews satisfying the filters should be visible on the screen.
14Storing of reviews in the database1. Verify the database as in the tables etc to make sure the database is storing the data correctly.1. Data in the database should be correct.
2. The database should be scalable.
3. Sensitive data should not be stored in the schema. like username and password
15Report abuse on review1. Go to the product details page.
2. Check the reviews displayed on the page.
3. For one review click ReportAbuse
1. Verify the data in the database, the particular review data should be updated with report abuse count.
2. The profile rating should get impacted by this.
3. The review should go to manual verification.
16Comment on review1. Go to the product details page.
2. Check the reviews displayed on the page.
3. For one review click Comment.
4. Write some comments.
1. The new comment added should also go for review.
2. For comment, there should be an option to click Helpful, ReportAbuse

Security Test Cases:

Test Scenario
Test stepsExpected Result
1No objectionable word/image/video1. Go to the product detail page or open order to give a review to the purchased item.
2. Click Write a customer/product review
3. Write a review with a combination of objectionable word/image
a. Attachments
b. Heading
c. Message
4. Click submit
1. The review should not get posted on the Amazon site.
2Sql injection1. Go to the product detail page or open order to give a review to the purchased item.
2. Click Write a customer/product review
3. Write SQL query in below fields
a. Heading
b. Message
1. Relevant validation should be done in fields.
3User critical info1. Go to the product detail page or open order to give a review to the purchased item.
2. Click Write a customer/product review
3. Write a review with sensitive data like SSN in below fields
a. Heading
b. Message
1. The review should not publish sensitive data.
4User can’t delete other’s review1. Go to the product detail page.
2. Try to edit/delete review written by others.
1. Editing/deleting of other’s reviews should not be allowed.