Buy Music Album

Buy Music Album And Checkout With Credit Card

This post will focus on some of the interesting questions being asked in Quality Analyst interviews recently. Every Analyst has their way of writing the test cases; here, I am writing some of the test cases according to my understanding.

Question: Write the test cases for the given scenario; The customer wants to buy a music album and checkout with a credit card.

While answering this question, we as analysts need to make some assumptions, so better ask the interviewer about some assumptions I am considering here. Or otherwise, depending on the scenarios your interviewer asked you, test cases will also vary.

Assumption: 1.  We have to write the test cases for only the mobile application, not a web-based application.

Assumption: 2. The customer has a Music app installed already like Gaana, Sawan, etc. 

Assumption: 3.  The customer has already created an account using an email id/username and password. At this point, the user can successfully log into their account.

Test Scenario
1.Verify the user is able to successfully log in to the account using their username and password.
2.Verify the user is able to search the album name or the artist name, or any other keywords for that album using the search button.
3.Download(View details about Subscription plans/Packages)-

i. If the user is already a paid subscriber, on clicking the Download button user should be able to download the album. The downloaded album should come under the download category in the user’s profile.

ii. If the user is not a paid subscriber, on clicking the Download button the user should get redirected to the next page of “subscription Plans and Packages” of the app.
4.Buy Now/ Payment- different Modes of payment –

i. If the user chooses to click Buy Now option, the user should get redirected to the next page “Choose Mode Of Payment.”
ii. Verify the user is able to click on different modes of payment like
a. Credit Card
b. Debit Card
c. Internet Banking
d. More options
5.Choose credit card for payment- Full payment process –
As the interview question is about the credit card here, I am going to write the test cases for a credit card.

i. Verify the user is able to get the option “Add New Credit Card.”
ii. Verify the user is able to fill in the following details.
a. Cardholder name
b. Card number
c. Expiration Date
d. Billing address
iii. Verify the card number is within the range and length of the valid card number.
iv. Verify the cardholder’s name is within the English alphabet range.
v. Verify Expiration date is in the valid date format.
vi. Verify with all the valid inputs the user should be able to add the credit card details on clicking “Submit.”
vii. Verify with even one of the invalid inputs that the user should get an error message stating the message about the invalid input provided. The user should not be able to click the “Submit” button.
viii. On clicking “Cancel” the user should be able to cancel the Payment screen and be redirected to the Home screen.
6.Verify once the user has successfully added the credit card details,

i. The user is getting an option to make payment using an existing card or by any other mode of payment.
ii. If the user chooses the option to make the payment using the existing card, verify there is an option to enter the CVV number
iii. Verify on entering a valid CVV number the user should get an option to enter OTP, On entering the valid OTP the user should get a confirmation message of “Order Placed”
iv. If the user enters the wrong CVV number and enters the correct OTP, the user should get an error message saying “Payment Failed” due to the wrong CVV number.
v. If the user enters the correct CVV number but enters the wrong OTP, the user should get an error message saying “Payment Failed” due to the wrong OTP.
7.Verify the album is available offline by switching off the wifi and mobile data.

Negative test cases
1.Download failed/interrupted

i. Start the download and when the download is in progress, turn off the wifi and data of the mobile to interrupt the download.
ii. Verify the user can delete the failed downloaded file.
iii. Verify the user can re-download it without paying for it again.
2.The offline album got deleted
i. Delete the downloaded song, verify the song/album is deleted.
ii. Download the song/album again, verify the user is able to download the deleted song/album again.
3.The payment failed- The payment can be failed due to a lot of many reasons like:
i. Wrong CVV number entered
ii. Wrong OTP entered
iii. Delay in getting OTP on the registered mobile number
iv. Delay in getting a response from Bank server
v. Internet issues
vi. Others
The user should get an error message stating the reason for the “Failure of Payment”.
4.No space on the device where the album is getting downloaded- Verify the user is getting an error message stating “there is not enough space in device to download the album, please try again”.
5.Blocked card- If the user has entered all the inputs in correct format for the credit card but it’s a “Blocked card”,
i. The order should get placed but the user should get a payment failure notification once the bank confirms it.
ii. Placed order should go on hold.