App Home Page Test Cases

Let’s have a look at the homepage first for

This is the homepage of the website. I am going to cover a brief description of the user story here.

As a user, 

  1. I should be able to able to Login into my account if I have registered it earlier. 
  2. I should be able to add an item(s) to the cart without login.
  3. I should be able to add my product to the cart and should be able to see the number of items added to my cart.
  4. I should see the different occasions in the homepage’s header banner, and on clicking, it should filter out my product based on that occasion on the next page.
  5.  On clicking a particular product on the homepage, I should be redirected to the next page showing the product details page

Functional Test Cases:

S.NoTest Cases
1Go to URL, it should land on the home page of the flower online shopping app.
2Click the login button and verify the page gets redirected in the same tab to the next page Login page.
3Click the cart button and verify that it redirects to the cart page in the same tab.
4Click all the categories appearing on the page and verify the flowers listed for those categories appear on the page.
5Select any flower and add it to the cart. Verify there is no error and Items are added to the cart.
6Check all the functionality in different browsers and popular versions of the browsers.

UI/UX Test Cases:

S.NoTest Cases
1Verify the text and pictures on the page. The resolution of the pictures should be of high quality.
2Resize the browser and verify the appearance of the components of the page. The scroll bar should be incorporated properly.
3Refresh the page multiple times to verify the loading of the components on the page.
4Verify the page loading time, it should be quick and the loading of page components like pictures, etc. should not be visible.

Security Related Test cases:

S.NoTest case
1Verify the API requests made from the page. It should be secure and no sensitive data should transfer over the internet.

Accessibility Test cases:

S.NoTest Cases
1Text font and color should be best suited for any user.
2Try to do operation using the keyboard without using the mouse and verify any user using the only the keyboard should be able to operate.