What is the purpose of writing a Test Case?

The very first question that comes to our mind is: What is a test case, and why is this so important for a software testing phase? In simple words, we can say that a test case is a set of conditions and variables that a tester determines to check if the system performs as it is supposed to do.

Test cases have a significant impact on the software testing phase. While writing the test cases, we need to keep some factors in our minds always.

  • We should have a good domain knowledge so that we can understand the functionality of the system.
  • A good and thorough understanding of the application is required.
  • Keep yourself in the shoes of the user and then try to write the test cases.
  • Have a positive attitude towards the working of the system, but always try to have a mindset to break down the system. Better to find a bug by the Tester than by the user.
  • Keep yourself more innovative while writing the test cases as every system is different than others.

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